Fundación CIRCE – Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos: CIRCE Foundation is a research centre founded in 1993 with the support of the University of Zaragoza in Spain. The centre creates, develops and transfers innovative solutions and technical/scientific knowledge for businesses sector within the energy sector. CIRCE fosters improvements in energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy, while its R&D&I and training respond to producer needs.
Role in the project: CIRCE is the project coordinator, overseeing the management and coordination of the project development and the consortium. In addition, CIRCE leads the definition of the innovative energy services and their related business models. Moreover, CIRCE have an active role related to the ICT technologies enabling the novel services and conducting the socioeconomic analysis of the demonstration activities.
Suite5 Data intelligence Solutions Limited – S5: Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions Limited (Suite5, Cyprus) is an Information Technology Solutions and Services whose mission is to deliver innovative data-driven intelligence solutions through state-of-the art technologies, required for any organization to be placed at the forefront of competition through greater efficiency.
Role in the project: S5 coordinates the project’s developments on big data collection and management technologies. Moreover, frESCO’s system architecture will build up on S5’s big data platform, on top of which the different modules and existing tools will be integrated. Finally, as an expert in data protection and cybersecurity, S5 will oversee the customer data handling across the project and will defined the security protocol for the protection of frESCO system and information.
Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler University Linz – EI-JKU: The Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz is a not for profit research organisation whose sole focus of inquiry is the energy sphere. The institute employs a multidisciplinary structure of three departments (Energy Economics, Energy Law, and Energy Technology) in order to allow for comprehensive analyses that results in practical, implementable and policy-oriented solutions to the myriad challenges facing the European energy sector.
Role in the project: The EI-JKU participates in frESCO by bringing its expertise in energy markets, consumer behaviour and energy policy and regulation. Moreover, EI-JKU actively participates in the definition of the new business models, particularly the legal and contractual relationships among the different stakeholders, and in the market analysis to ensure their realisation.
Fundacion CARTIF: CARTIF is a horizontal, private and non-profit Research Institution, whose main mission is providing innovative solutions to the industry to enhance their processes, systems and products, improving their competitiveness and creating new business opportunities. CARTIF develops R&D projects financed by private companies or through public funds obtained from competitive calls at national and international level. CARTIF also supports public entities on high impact projects planning and development.
Role in the project: CARTIF actively participates in the definition of the new energy services and associated business models, particularly conducting the activities aimed at assessing the feasibility of the latter through modelling and simulation techniques. Moreover, CARTIF will develop one of the modules of the frESCO overall software solution: “Personalized Energy Analytics and Human-Centric Automation tool for residential buildings, including smart readiness certification features”.
UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government in order to allow the efficient and effective secure access and communication with various heterogeneous information resources and services, anytime and anywhere.
Role in the project: Within frESCO, UBITECH leads the activities towards the delivery of a multi-service package toolkit for service providers, implementing, in particular, the Energy Management Analytics and Self- Consumption Optimization Tool for ESCOs and the Advanced Flexibility Analytics and Optimal VPP configuration tool for Consumer-Centric Demand Response Optimization. Finally, UBITECH will drive the frESCO platform architectural design.
UBITECH Energy SPRL – UBE: UBITECH ENERGY was founded by a blend of experienced ICT Consultants and Energy Research Innovators, with a long track record in the identification, design, development and commercialization of research and innovation smart energy projects. It is the latest member of the UBITECH group of companies, blending the existing ‘know-how’ in IT and RD&I projects with high expertise in the energy sector.
Role in the project: UBE actively participates in the definition of the novel business models and frESCO service bundles and its validation in a simulation environment respectively. Moreover, UBE will build on its expertise as software tools developer for the energy sector, particularly for the Advanced Performance Monitoring/ Forecasting Module for Generation/ Storage/ Demand Assets.
Inzenjering za Energetiku I Transport DD – KONČAR KET: KONČAR-Power Plant and Electric Traction Engineering Inc. (KONČAR-KET) is the main contracting and engineering company within the KONČAR-Electrical Industry Inc. (KONČAR-Group). KONČAR-KET’s main business activity is design and construction of complex electric plants and installations for power generation, transmission and distribution, for transportation and industries.
Role in the project: KONÇAR is in charge of identifying the current standarisation gaps of both the energy services models for residential consumers and of the back-end services and ICT-technologies, as well as being in charge of proposing new standardards for frESCO developments, ensuring their effective uptake.
Ponikve eko otok Krk d.o.o. – KRK: Ponikve eko otok Krk d.o.o. (KRK) is a company responsible for energy and waste management located at the island of Krk in the northern Adriatic, in Croatia. It is owned by island’s six municipalities and city of Krk. Ponikve’s efforts and projects have made the island of Krk a pioneer in renewable energy, energy efficiency and recycling. Ponikve initiated a sequence of projects that aim to make the Krk island energy self-sufficient.
Role in the project: PONIKVE leads the demostration activities in the Croatian pilot, acting as the service provider of the new services developed under the project. Moreover, PONIKVE ensures the engagement with all pilot’s stakeholders, thus collecting the necessary information for the pilot preparation and the adequacy of the new service bundles to end-users expectations. Finally, PONIKVE actively participates in the definition of the exploitation routes of frESCO solutions so as to incorporate the frESCO integrated service bundles into their portfolio as soon as possible.
COMSA Instalaciones y Sistemas Industriales – COMSA: COMSA INDUSTRIAL is the industrial engineering company within the COMSA CORPORACIÓN Group specialized in electrical and mechanical installations, automation and instrumentation, installation of HVAC systems, Integrated and Specialized Maintenance, Facilities Management and Maintenance Engineering.
Role in the project: COMSA, as a wide experienced ESCO, leads the testing and validation of the new services, and particularly the demostration activities in the Spanish pilot, acting as the service provider of the new services developed under the project. COMSA participates also bringing their experience as Spanish leader in the provision of energy efficiency services and in the preparation of the demo sites.
LA CORRIENTE Cooperative Society – LCTE: La Corriente is an electric cooperative from Madrid that act as own marketer. La Corriente provides 100% renewable energy and allows installations for the energy self-production, as well as charging points for electric vehicles.
Role in the project: La Corriente is the leader of the Spanish pilot in Madrid and actively participates in the activities for the preparation and characterisation of the Spanish demo. It plays a key role in engaging with its members and other relevant stakeholders in the pilot area. Furthermore, La Corriente also participates in the demonstration of frESCO solution in the Spanish demo.
VOLTALIS – VOLT: Voltalis is a leading European flexibility management aggregator, specializing in residential demand-response. Certified by RTE (the French Transmission System Operator) since 2008, Voltalis offers innovative solutions to its customers and to the grid. Voltalis unlocks energy savings without loss of comfort, while enabling its customers to participate to the electrical systems’ optimization and balance. With more than 100,000 homes already equipped with its box, Voltalis operates the largest residential demand-response pool in Europe.
Role in the project: Voltalis joins the project as a technology provider and operator in the field of residential demand response. Voltalis leads the demostration activities in the French pilot, acting as the service provider of the new services developed under the project, and participates in the other pilots as the leading aggregator of the consortium. Moreover, Voltalis ensures the engagement with all French pilot’s stakeholders.
ELIN VERD S.A. – VERD : Elin VERD is a next-generation green energy company. It was established in 2007 as a spin-off of Elinoil, the oldest Greek oil company, and has now expanded its activities from collection of cooking oils and biodiesel production to green oleochemicals, electro-mobility and Smart Energy Systems (SES). The company provides internationally consulting on distributed energy resources and it has expanded its operations in the energy domain including the production of green chemical products and plans to become one of Greece’s first aggregator company.
Role in the project: VERD, leads the activities aimed at exploiting and replicating frESCO’s main results. Moreover, VERD leads the demostration activities in the Greek pilot, acting as the service provider of the new services developed under the project. Finally, VERD leads the definition of the main aspects of the new business models.
Ioannis Sarantis Touristic Hotel Business S.A. – IOSA: Ioannis Sarantis SA was founded in 1968 with the aim to do business in the tourism, real estate and construction sector. The company owns and operates Makryammos Hotel in Thasos island-a place of rare natural beauty that stretching along 35 acres of splendid landscape. The hotel management aspires to transform the hotel into a green hotel that operates using renewable energy and flexible distributed resources to minimize its carbon footprint.
Role in the project: IOSA is the owner of the facilities where the Greek pilot takes place. IOSA actively participates in the activities for the preparation and characterisation of the Greek demo. Furthermore, IOSA also participate in the demonstration of frESCO solution in the Greek demo.
RINA Consulting S.p.A. – RINA-C: RINA is a global corporation that offers a wide range of high-quality tailored solutions in the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and Industry sectors. RINA activities contribute to developing the qualitative level of the market by adopting measures to protect health and safety and to improve the well-being of society building value for future generations.
Role in the project: RINA-C leads communication and dissemination activities and coordination with other relevant initiatives to frESCOs goals. RINA-C also participates actively in the replication and exploitation activities, particularly those related to assess the replicability potential of frESCO solutions. Finally, RINA-C provides its wide experience as an engineering and consulting company specialised in energy efficiency to support frESCO’s partners in different tasks.